Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow days, sick days and weekends too.

Today I am home with a sick little girl. Gianna has asthma and if there is something going around she gets it. Not only does she get it but she usually gets it 5 times worse than everybody else. Poor baby. As I sit here and type her nebulizer is humming in the background. Second treatment today and lots of medicine and she still feels and looks so sick. I hate it. When I was a little girl and I was sick my dad used to say "poor baby, I wish it was me" I never understood it, I thought he was crazy, why would anyone want to be sick? But now I know, as a parent watching your kid be sick, struggle to breathe, be lethargic when they are usually so full of energy is heartbreaking and if you could be sick for them you would in a heartbeat.

Yesterday was a snow day. I am slowly beginning to learn that "snow days" here don't necessarily mean that it is snowing out, it just merely means there is a chance of snow or maybe it snowed the night before. It is so funny, we only got about an inch and the kids stayed home from school. It was practically all melted before school would have even been out. It's okay though, at this point my days are long and lonely when the kids are at school so any chance of having them home with me is good for me.

I have been working on some Valentine's Day projects lately with the intent to list them on etsy but never seem to get around to the listing part. Then something comes up and I end up giving the things that I make away as gifts to teachers or someone else. Oh well as long as they go to a good cause. Here are a few things I have made so far.

I think part of the reason that I never list anything is because I can never take great pictures of them like so many of the sellers on etsy do. I have photo intimidation! Oh well they have given me something to do, I love making things and it keeps me busy.

I can't believe it's already Thursday and I never blogged about my weekend. Sundays for us have been spent exploring our new home state. We literally have been getting in the car and just driving. We usually have an idea of where we want to end up but at the same time leave the house knowing that we will probably end up other places too. It's all new to us so we are happy to find new places. This time we set out to Charlottesville. My brother Randy had suggested it and said he and his family loved it so we figured we would check it out. There seemed to be a lot to do/see. Monticello, the home of  Thomas Jefferson is there and also the University of Virginia. It took us about an hour and half to get there but the drive there was traffic free, scenic and fun. The town itself is really cool, typical college town but yet this town has so much history too so it made it really special. The only problem with this town? It just about shuts down on Sunday. Not one restaurant was open, it was so unbelievably cold outside that walking around was ridiculous. So we quickly piled back in the car and headed to... Ikea. Yes, from historical town to a mega European furniture store. On the way to Ikea we did make a side stop at Montpelier. It is the home of James Madison, 4th president of the United States and the father of the Declaration of Independence. It was stunning. It was so cool. Gianna especially loved it. She kept thanking us for bringing her there and saying how glad she was that we stopped. We learned some interesting things just by driving around the grounds and by visiting the gift shop. Did you know that James Madison wrote George Washington's inaugural speech? Isn't that crazy?

We had a great day. I think Chris told me 3 different times over the next couple of days how much fun he had on Sunday. Things have been stressful around here for so long that we truly have learned to cherish the good times. With everything that we have been through in the last two years or so the good times are so appreciated.
Well my sick little girl needs me now so I am going to call it a post. In just a few days I start my real estate course to get my license. I am super excited and can't wait. I look forward to sharing my experience on here. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Monticello and Montpelier. It truly is so beautiful and amazing back there. Can't wait for spring time for you, it's a WHOLE new world then. so glad you're finding a lot to enjoy.


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